Child & Youth Programs

Mending Hearts: Children’s Grief Group

Mending Hearts in a program for children ages 6-12 who are grieving the death of a significant loved one. Through art- ased activities, story, and group discussion, children learn how to cope with their grief and cherish memories of their deceased loved one.

Topics explored include:

  • Introduction to Grief
  • Understandings and Feelings About Death
  • Change, Loss, and Growth
  • Rituals and the Funeral Experience
  • Coping With and Owning Grief
A concurrent group is offered for caregivers to learn how to support their grieving child.
If you have any questions, contact 1-306-381-6192 or email


For information on when this program may be running next, please check our calendar. Any programs scheduled will include additional information regarding dates, times, fees, how to register, and more!

To fill out an application for the upcoming program, click the button below.