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Professional Workshops

Survivor 101 Online Facilitators Guide

Survivor 101 is a group program for students experiencing issues related to violence and/or mental health challenges. Each week, participants have the opportunity to explore different topics through discussion, art, and interactive activities.

This course trains adult allies who work with high-school-aged youth to facilitate the Survivor 101 program.

Project impact:

  • 93% of the participants reported an overall improvement in their quality of life.
  • 81% of participants reported an increase in their self-confidence.
  • 75% of participants reported an increase in their ability to manage stress.

What you get:

  • Instructional videos and PDFs on how to facilitate a mental health group
  • 25 group lesson plans; complete with printable worksheets
  • 3 free eBooks created by youth engaged in the program
  • Unlimited access to future program updates and resources


Become a Survivor 101 program facilitator and gain access to a dynamic, growing collection of mental health resources for youth and adolescents.


For information on when this program may be running next, please check our calendar. Any programs scheduled will include additional information regarding dates, times, fees, how to register, and more!